Hawes Lawn Turf Suppliers

Looking for a Lawn Turf Supplier in Hawes?

Hawes is located in the heart of Wensleydale and is a busy market town with lots of interesting shops, cafes and workshops/craft shops, surrounded by some of the best scenery in the UK.

Fineland Turf are ideally situated to provided Hawes customers with the best, freshest lawn turf available in the North Yorkshire Area.

As one of the longest established lawn turf growers in the region, we've been supplying lawn turf to the Hawes region since 1985, our lawn turf is guaranteed to be the freshest on the market. Turf direct from Fineland will not hanging around in storage depots, or waiting to be sold on pallets. It will be cut and in your hands, often with 24 hours.

To ensure the best start for all our Hawes customers we recommend using our free flowing topsoil to treat the immediate area to be laid. This will ensure your lawn turf gets the best start with direct contact with the soil for all the turf root system.

Hawes customers can calculate your exact lawn turf and topsoil requirements using our online calculator or you can call Gary, the owner on 01723 376977 for an informal, no obligation chat about your requirements. Whatever your lawn turf or topsoil needs, Fineland Turf can help.

As a Hawes customer we can also offer you our turf laying service. We can apply topsoil and lay your turf via our expert, dedicated turf laying team. This ensures the best possible start for your new lawn, park and playing field. Contact us now on 01723 376977